
For The Joy Set Before Him
Crucified and Risen Savior
Long before men and women scurried upon the face of the earth or living creatures produced after their kind, before He hovered over the waters and before they teemed with life before oceans roared, or springs gushed, before He set the boundaries of the seas or laid the foundations of the earth, before He settled the mountains into place, formed the hills, or spread the fields across the globe, before the heavens met the horizon on the face of the deep, or the sun shone, or the moon gave its light, before He separated the light and darkness or made the expanse between the water and the earth, and before clouds swirled, and before He flung stars to the far reaches of space… GOD! Perfect, holy, altogether lovely, magnificent, majestic, profoundly terrible, and awesome. From the very core of their eternal plurality, the indescribable, unfathomable, infinite, eternal GOD existed as one in an inextricable unity—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
And God said, “Let us make man in our image, in our likeness.” So God created man in His own image. In the image of God, He created him; male and female, He created them. Hovering over His last creation with special attention, Creator carefully constructs a “her” from a single “he” rib in a primal garden-world unmarred by evil. The “her” is a perfect match for his body, intellect, and emotions.
Creator designed the “her” from eternity past to delight and satisfy her husband like no other creature. He created her to build in him and their children a sense of significance as they grow beneath her love and care. God designs her to provide a place of safety—a home to bring security to their lives, preparing them to function independently in a vast world. She will nurture them into becoming self-respecting, responsible adults.
The “her” grows strong, beautiful, and perfect beneath the Master’s skillful and loving hands. Fearfully and wonderfully, He forms her. This new creation amazes the “he” and the angels watch the process with enraptured attention. The final culminating touch to all God’s creation is nothing less than the mysterious creature Creator called “Woman.” As a suitable helper, not found in the entire kingdom of beasts and birds, she can powerfully influence the “he” for good, or as it turned out, for evil.
The pivotal point for all humanity comes with a voice, still echoing through millenniums, hissing into those perfectly created ears, “Taste it. A little won’t hurt. It is good for food… food is good. Just imagine the pleasure, the satisfaction you will feel. Oh, and how pleasant it is to the eyes, how beautiful its color! You can use your power to take hold of this ripe beauty hanging in front of you and to convince dear Adam to have some too. You won’t die. God knows if you eat of it, you will be like Him, knowing both good and evil. You do want to be wise, admired, praised, and significant in your intelligence, do you not? Just reach out your hand and touch… there… now gently tug, and it is yours. Oh, the fragrance! Just a bite and you will know good and evil.”
She looks, she contemplates… she sees it is suitable for food, a delight to the eyes, and desirable to make her wise. She reaches, takes its fruit, and eats. She also gives it to her husband, standing there with her, and he also eats. Suddenly the eyes of both of them open, and they realize they are naked! Although they sew fig leaves together to make coverings, it is not covering enough.
When Lord God comes to walk with them side-by-side, hand-in-hand in the cool of the evening, they hide. His words painfully echo to the end of time, “Adam… Adam… Where are you?” Then Adam blames her, and she blames him, and then… Lord God sheds the lifeblood of an innocent creature and tears its pelt to cover their nakedness. He curses the man, the woman, the ground, and the serpent. Before He drives them from the garden, He promises to redeem them… someday. Cherubim and flaming swords flash back and forth to guard the way to the tree of life. Time passes… she never sees Lord God again, or the garden, or the beautiful creature He meant for her to be.
In perfect jealousy, never does Lord God’s blazing eyes leave those created in His image. Never does He forget His promise. Never does His eternal heart stop yearning to show His grace and gather us back into the garden of His immense love. So… He comes. He comes to redeem all the sin and pain and suffering of all time. He comes as one of us—GOD in the flesh of man. Universe exploder, star thrower, planet spinner, ocean lifter, mountain raiser GOD… set aside all His glory and becomes one of us.
Isaiah prophesies that no one will desire Him for his physical attractiveness. He is despised and rejected by men, a man of sorrows and familiar with suffering. Hebrews says that during the days of His life on earth, he offers up prayers and petitions with loud cries and tears to the One who can save him from death, and He is heard because of His reverent submission. It is unimaginable that eternal God the Son suffers in obedience to the God-Head… still inseparable unity, still three persons in one GOD—one heart.
The evil one, whose own heart grew proud on account of his earlier beauty and whose wisdom corrupted because of his splendor, schemes a fiendish plan. His malevolent face grins with malice as his skeletal finger traces a map of destruction. Fed by his manic success in separating man from God, he plots to divide and destroy the God-Head. Persuasion of the Son to act independently of His Father will demolish the eternal unity and power of GOD Himself.
The Spirit leads the Son into the desert. Rising waves of heat distort the desert landscape, creating images of spiritual things that appear and disappear before His eyes. Things are not what they seem, yet hunger is so real. The seeming liquid rocks shimmer beneath the ruthless heat. There is no breeze. There is no sound but nagging thoughts and relentless hunger.
The last forty days stretch into eternity. What illusions rise upon the desert floor? What voice hisses into his thoughts. “It is good for food… food… If you are the Son of God, you can tell this stone to become bread.” His flesh cries out with desire. It would be so easy… just a glance and one minor miracle at that scintillating rock, and his gnawing hunger would be satisfied. Yet, He knows more than the evil one. Bread can never satisfy the spiritual dimension of man’s soul. Earthly pleasures will only disappear into the vacuous hole left by the Fall.
He could become the breadbasket of the world, a savior of mercy without justice. Yet, acting independently of His Father could only bring a deeper hunger still. Why else was manna given to His people day after day except that He might make them understand the importance of a different dimension? He whispers back, “It is written, ‘Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God.’”
The stones disappear, and the desert passes beneath him in a retreating blur. Suddenly the gleaming city of Jerusalem, bathed in the setting sun, rises to meet him. From the pinnacle of the temple, His gaze caresses the beloved city. Beneath Him, the people wander like sheep without a shepherd. O how His heart burns to gather them like a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, but they do not want Him. What miracle will open their eyes to who He is and to God’s love for them?
Like a wind screaming in His ears, the thoughts taunt Him again, “IF You are the Son of God… if you are, throw yourself down from here; for it is written, ‘He shall give His angels charge over you, and in their hands, they shall bear you up, lest you dash your foot against a stone.’” Can He validate God’s love and His own significance by becoming a sensation or performing more signs and wonders?
Even after all the desert miracles, had they not tested Him at Massah, saying, “Is the Lord among us, or not?” What else can He do for them? No, He will not test His Father’s love. He can only trust it. With gathered confidence, He speaks, “It is written, ‘You shall not put the Lord your God to the test.’”
In a moment, Jerusalem falls from beneath Him, and from a high mountain, all earth’s kingdoms pass before Him. Oh, so pleasant to the eyes, the present and future glory of man’s accomplishments and possessions, the philosophic intellectual pursuits, the technological advancements, and engineering feats span the horizon of time. Yet, a world of kingdoms and people who worship themselves, lost to the truth of their origin and existence, separated from the God who so lovingly designed and created them in His own image. A cry escapes His lips as the foreboding shadow bates his thoughts again, “I will give you all this domain, and its glory for it has been handed down to me, and I give it to whomever I wish. Therefore if you worship before me, it shall all be yours.”…
All he has to do is make a small compromise to regain control of the situation. He can be a political and social savior. He can have the crown without the cross! Ah-h, but can He reject El Elyon—God Most High to possess it? He came to this earth to do the Father’s will, not His own. He must rest securely in His Father’s wisdom, love, and power. With power and authority, He raises His voice above the roar of time, “Away with you, Satan! For it is written, ‘You shall worship the LORD your God and Him only you shall serve.’”
The olive grove rustles softly in the night air. Mist rises from the damp earth where He lies prostrate before His Father. Fingers that once touched blind eyes healed deaf ears, and tenderly held children are now clenched white in anguish.
“You don’t have to do this,” hisses a familiar voice. “Even if you give your life for them, they won’t want you. They’ll run away. They’ll deny they even know you. They want a political savior, a miracle man, someone to heal them and feed them and give them ease and comfort. You will disappoint them, you betray their trust, you lead them all like sheep to the slaughter!”
Dark clouds drift silently over the moon, and the shadows deepen. “Father,” He whispers hoarsely, “Father if you are willing, let this cup pass from me.”
“Ha! Yes, let it pass!” Hisses the voice. “This is too much to ask. You cannot bear the weight of the whole world! One hot breath and all your miserable creatures can be gone, swept into hell with me. You don’t have to do this!”
Drops of blood bead on his brow and trickle down into his beard. He raises his body from the earth and looks up into the night sky. With gathered strength, He cries out, “Father, not my will but yours be done!” The voice slithers away beneath the darkness, and angel wings sweep down and around, comforting, worshipping, loving Him. The last test, the last temptation, and in the final victory, He leads the way to victory after victory over self-centeredness, self-abasement, self-serving, self-aggrandizement, and self-righteousness.
No, he does not lead them like sheep to the slaughter. He leads them to victory and eternal life! He is a Savior from sin for all those who exchange their self-righteous rags for His robe of righteousness. He does not save them by serving His own needs but by doing His Father’s will. He does not save them by becoming a performing spectacle but rather by a humble, righteous, servant life and message. He does not save them through compromise or manipulation, but by bowing in obedient submission and brokenness to the Father’s plan… death on a cross.
Woman weeps beneath a cross. Fallen, fallen is beautiful and lovely Eve. Her design is marred. She has become a dwelling place of unclean things. Her sorrows multiplied in childbirth and all her children drank the wine of the passion of her idolatry. Their sins have piled up as high as heaven. “There is none righteous, no not one.” All her children fell…yet, not all, for there is One…one of her offspring does not fall; A son of Eve, a son of David, the Son of GOD. Oh Garden of Eden, Garden of Gethsemane, He weeps for your children.
The image of invisible GOD, firstborn over all creation, Creator of all things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities hung suspended above the world. The One by whom all things were created and for whom all things were made, and by whom all things hold together—GOD—broken, bleeding, crushed, covered with our sin. Demons dance, women weep, disciples run.
GOD—perfect, holy, altogether lovely, magnificent, majestic and profoundly terrible and wondrous, once existing in inextricable unity—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit suddenly, unimaginably, inconceivably, unbelievably are ripped apart. With inexpressible pain, the Father turns His face away from His Son. The cries of the Son pierce and reverberate through a universal blackness, “My God! My God! Why have You forsaken Me?”
Out of His immense love for man, for woman, the eternal oneness of GOD rips apart, altering the very core of eternal GOD. Demons dance, screaming their apparent victory! Man’s sin does its work, and the perfectly righteous, perfectly pure, and beautiful Son takes upon Himself all the sin of the entire world. The Godhead—ruptured, hemorrhaging, flowing down, over, covering, cleansing, washing, clean, pure, holy!
Woman lifts His broken body and washes it with her tears. With linen cloths, ointment and spices, she anoints it for burial. Here all her sins are laid to rest, buried within the tomb. Though Eve plunged the earth into darkness and pain and sorrow, through her was promised a Redeemer whose foot would bruise the serpent’s head. Woman bows before The Lord her Righteousness.
Night falls. Never so dark a night… never so hopeless a day… and night… and day… and night until a line faintly appears upon a perceived horizon. It grows… slowly it widens, and gradually it rises in shards of light to pierce the gloom. Brighter and brighter, it grows until the burning core bursts upon the earth in resplendent radiance. A line awakens upon a cosmic screen through the blackest darkness, and the heart once still now lurches to life.
He is the Beginning, the Word of promise, fleshed out and rising as the Light of life. In Him is life, and that life is the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness cannot overcome it. In a dimension of unapproachable light, the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit fuse together once again and for eternity. Angels rejoice, demons flee, Heaven receives! Yet… a mystery… fully God in blazing beauty and brightness, yet the scars… the eternal scars… her name carved in the palms of His hands. He will never leave or forsake her… ever.
In that early morning light, Woman enters the tomb, but she cannot find Him. Wandering through the garden, her tears blind her to the Divine Gardener. But then… He calls her name. Understanding dawns upon her mind and heart, and this time, she does not run or hide. There is no shame, no blame, and no guilt. Incredulously she embraces Him as never before and becomes whole. Once constructed from Adam’s side, now reconstructed from the pierced side of Christ. He rose to redeem the lost and broken and to draw them into His eternal beauty.
Hovering over His recreation with special attention, the Redeemer carefully constructs a new creation from a pierced side, a broken heart, and a risen Savior in a fallen and devastated world. Designed from eternity past to be loving, joyful, peaceable, patient, kind and good, faithful, gentle, and self-controlled, the new creature grows through various trials that produce endurance. Endurance has its perfect result to make Woman perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.
She grows inwardly strong, beautiful, and mature beneath the Master’s skillful and loving hands. Though outwardly she is still wasting away, she is renewed day by day as He forms her spirit and forms a new heart within her. Fearfully and wonderfully, He is at work within her. Using all the circumstances of her life, He conforms her to His own beauty.
Indeed this new creation in progress continues to amaze her husband and remains a wonderment to the great cloud of witnesses enraptured with the Master’s handiwork. She learns satisfaction in Her Creator’s presence. From time to time, she catches her reflection in the eyes of her Sacred Lover and sees the significance she holds under his constant, attentive gaze. She casts all her cares upon Him and rests in the security of His wisdom and power.
Who is this whom the King brings into His chambers? Is she not the beloved Bride? How beautiful you are, Woman of God. He calls you His darling, His beautiful one. He calls you to come away with Him because the winter of fruitlessness and loneliness passed, the rain of weeping is over and gone. The flowers of joy and promise are blooming in His presence. The time for pruning the vines is here, the voice of turtledoves is heard in the land, and the vines in blossom give out their fragrance, so is His love for you fresh and new as springtime. He calls your name. He calls you to a new life, clean, forgiven, and free. Listen to His voice calling to you now, “Arise, my darling, my beautiful one, and come along!” (Song of Songs 2:10-13).
Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider him who endured such opposition from sinners, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.
Hebrews 12:1-3
This is a beautiful portrayal of Christ’s redemptive work–both in your art and in your writing!
Thank you!
Dear MarJean, I’m amazed at the way you paint pictures, not only with brushes but also with your words. I was captivated by the idea of Eve being created from Adam’s side, and how we are recreated from Jesus’ wounded side. That’s a new thought to me!
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